Flip Analysis Calculator

How it works:

#1. Fill in the entire calculator.

#2. Once completed hit the calculate button to get your results


The online calculator is provided for illustrative purposes only, and the information obtained by using the online calculator is not, and should not be taken as, legal or financial advice to any person or company. Results may vary depending on the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the information you provide while using the online calculator. The online calculator is not a substitute for consulting a qualified professional. As such, Norfolk Capital makes no representations and does not warrant, either expressly or by implication, that the customer or project is eligible or provides terms for a specific product or service. Norfolk Capital LLC accepts no liability whatsoever for any losses or liabilities allegedly arising from the use of the online calculator by any person or company.

Property Owner

First Name*
Last Name*

Sales Details

#No.Of Units
Select Date
Current Status


Gross Sales $ 0,000
% Broker Commission $ 0,000
% Closing Cost $ 0,000
Net Proceeds $ 0,000

Purchase Price

Purchase Price $
Renovation Cost $
% Purchase Closing Cost $ 0,000
Total Purchase Price $ 0,000

Financing Cost

% Down on Purchase Price $ 0,000
Total loan Amount $ 0,000
% Points to Lender $ 0,000
% Interest Rate
# of Months to Complete Project
Interest $ 0,000
Total Financing Costs $ 0,000

Annual Carrying Cost

RE Taxes $
Insurance $
Utilities $
Other $
Total Carrying Costs $ 0,000
Monthly Carrying Costs $ 0,000
Project Carrying Cost $ 0,000
Total Project Costs $ 0,000
Before Tax Profit $ 0,000
Loan-to Purchase Price 0%
Loan-to-Project Costs 0%
Loan-to-After Repair Value 0%
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