Frequently Asked Questions

Overview frequently asked questions

What is Private Lending?

Frequently asked questions: Operating outside the rigidities of conventional financial institutions, Private Lending provides the capital needed to fund complex and/or unique real estate development opportunities.
Private Lending is an old business that predates major banks, credit cards, and finance companies, and in its simplest form, involves individuals borrowing money for a real estate project from a lender in exchange for an interest payment. Norfolk
Capital’s Private Lending services involve the financing of specific, well-defined, and equity-secured commercial and residential real estate projects.
Norfolk Capital’s experience in real estate acquisitions, management, and development give it the expertise to quickly assess the viability of complex opportunities and non-conventional situations and, where required, deliver a fast closing in as little as fifteen days.

What do I need to qualify for a loan?

We define creditworthiness in terms different from most banks. We emphasize the value of the collateral available and the experience of the borrower. Unlike banks, we are not primarily interested in past ability to pay. For us, creditworthiness is a concept not etched in stone; we believe in flexibility and the concept of creative financing.

Why should I choose Norfolk Capital?

First and foremost, personal service. You are not a nameless face; your needs and concerns are our needs and concerns.
Secondly, speed of action. When you deal with Norfolk Capital, you are not dealing with a loan committee, which may meet every few weeks. Rather, action on a loan can be taken at a moment’s notice when you need it to happen, not at the convenience of a committee.

What are your lending terms?

Most of our loans are relatively short term ranging from six to twelve months. However, we have the flexibility to provide both shorter and longer terms.

Getting Started

What kind of loans does Norfolk Capital offer?

We specialize in loans involving real estate. We deal in both residential and commercial ventures, and our loans include those for the development and construction of single-family homes, apartments, condominiums, office buildings, and shopping centers. We also provide land loans for both the purchase of land in its raw form as well as advance money for subdivision development, including roads, water, and sewer.

We are also available to provide interim financing for the purchase of both commercial and residential properties. Norfolk Capital’s experience in real estate acquisitions, management, and development give it the expertise to quickly assess the viability of complex opportunities and non-conventional situations and, where required, deliver a fast closing in as little as fifteen days.

See more frequently asked questions.

How do I apply?

Our application process is very simple. Simply click here to start your application, and we’ll get the ball rolling. Once you apply, one of our team members will contact you for the next steps.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

How long does it take to receive financing?

Financing can be completed a soon as 2-days or take up to 2-weeks. This is highly dependent on how quickly the borrower can provide the required documentation to allow our team to do their due diligence.

Once you engage with us, we instantly become a team, so it’s up to us to help each other achieve the ultimate objective of smoothly getting in and out of a real estate deal. To see what you would need to help us close quickly, take a look at our private lending checklist to help us get the deal done.

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